It has been months since my last review. Not much has been happening. BUT… There’s a brand new program called “Lovetraction Lines” that just came out, and I wanted to give you all the details on this one…
Click Here for the Official LoveTraction Lines Website…
If you are a woman who’s interested in learning how to create feelings of love, attraction and infatuation in a man by triggering his “romantic nervous system”, this is pretty cool stuff!
The program was created by a woman named Simone Myers, who I had never heard of before. She just kind of popped up on my radar from out of nowhere and all of a sudden it seems like everybody is talking about her and her new Lovetraction Lines. People have raved to me about this course, so I decided to check it out and share this review with you to give you the basic facts on the program along with my thoughts and personal opinion on it…
What Are These LoveTraction Lines All About & How Do They Actually Work?
Apparently, Simone was introduced to the idea of using these lines to attract and trigger desire and love in men after studying under a professional “thought reader” who showed her how they work. The idea is that the human mind (in this case the male mind) is pre-wired to respond predictably to certain universal words and symbols.
Personally, I’m kind of a nerd about this stuff, so I find the scientific aspect of this really fascinating. But if you just want to use the system to make men thirst for you, that’s okay too, you don’t need to get all scientific with it if you don’t want to…
Anyhow, the way that you use these is very simple. You just pick a guy that you like. It can be somebody you just met, or some guy who you don’t think is interested in dating you, or having a relationship with you. Alternately, you can use them on your current boyfriend or even an ex if you want to respark his feelings for you. So what I am trying to say is that it can really be any guy. Just pick any guy you want it can even be some super hot guy you may have thought was out of your league.
Then you use the LoveTraction Lines next time you are talking to him, or over text or email. That’s it, then you just watch how he responds…
What Comes In The Lovetraction Lines Program?
The program is based around a ton of specific “playful little lines” designed for pretty much any type of situation you might be in with a man who you want to feel attraction, desire, and love for you…
I won’t go over all of them since they are all explained in detail on Simone’s website, but for example there’s one call the “Slap of Love” line that you can use on man who wants to “keep his options open.” It’s designed to get him to come to his senses and see you as his one-and-only… That is one of the best line in my opinion and one that will probably help a lot of women who find themselves in that same exactly situation with a guy.
Other faves are the “Attraction Meow” line for getting him convinced that you are everything he is looking for in a woman and the “Queen of My Heart” line to make him want to cherish an pamper you and basically treat you like his queen. That was another good one…
It’s an E-book in PDF format that you can get access to right over the Internet through the secure members area on Simone’s website. I think that most people will appreciate this because it makes it very easy to get access to it without needing to wait.
There are also a bunch of bonus trainings that are coming with the course right now. I’m not sure if these reports will be offered with the course by the time you read this, so I am just going off what all was coming when I wrote this…
The additional trainings include the “Tiger By The Tail Report” which is for those complicated situations where the guy you want or are dating is also seeing somebody else to get him to stop being interested in her and getting him to see you as the only one that he should be with. I think this method is one of the best things in the course. Of course it won’t apply to everybody, but if you are ever in that situation then I bet you will find this method very useful!
You also get the “Crystal Ball Report” for using on a guy who isn’t ready to commit, and the “Mind Switch-Over Report” which seems like downright mind control to me… But again it could definitely come in handy…
Any Downside With This?
There are a lot of things I really like about this program. Notably the fact that it is so simple and straightforward to use. However, there is the issue that these lines could be used destructively to get a guy away from another woman. Of course that is your prerogative, but obviously if the guy has a family it would be shame if it was destroyed by some woman using this to steal the guy away. For most people however I am sure this is not a big concern.
My Recommendation:
This a program that I think is going to benefit a lot of women. Basically, if your love life is not exactly how you would like it then you should probably give this a try…
The fact that there are lines for all kinds of different situations is great because that way you can use the program over the years to keep your man still feeling those powerful emotions for you.
Like I said, it’s super easy to use so it’s definitely worth testing out. You can read success stories from other women who have used the program here, some pretty amazing results! Click Here To Get Instant Access To Simone Myers “Lovetraction Lines” Online Course…