There’s a brand new program that everybody is talking about from Slade Shaw and the rest of the team over at Meet Your Sweet, and it’s called “Why Men Pull Away.”
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… Obviously the idea behind the book is to deeply examine the real reasons why men pull away in relationships and what women can do to stop this from happening.
This is a major problem, if not the #1 BIGGEST problem that women have in relationships, and this program is really the first time that anyone has dug so far into exactly what is going on with this.
Of course the answer isn’t simple. Men pull away for a variety of reasons. And depending on the situation this can happen very early on ie. following the first intimate encounter, or it can happen years or even decades into a relationship. But no matter when it happens, it can be absolutely heart breaking… So hopefully the “Why Men Pull Away” program can help!
What’s Why Men Pull Away Really All About?
It’s basically a home training course for women from the experts over at Meet Your Sweet. You may have heard of this company before, because they have been around for several years and they’ve previously released quite a few dating and relationship guides.
The program delivers a ton of content including a main e-book as well as two bonus modules, “Communication Secrets For A Strong Long-Term Relationship” with Renee Pianeone, and “How to Reignite & Maintain Long-Term Attraction” with Marie Forleo”. The audio modules come with transcripts, and there ‘s are interviews with leading relationship experts Scott McKay and James Bauer.
Do I Recommend Why Men Pull Away?
Why Men Pull Away is by far one of the best relationship guides I’ve had the pleasure to review. I think one of the best things about it is that it doesn’t try to be everything for everybody. It focuses on one very common, but very specific issue that women deal with and then it addresses it with clarity and wisdom.
It’s also the sort of program that you can use as a reference guide even after you have turned things around with your man so that you can go back and consult the text to make sure things stay going in the right direction. Really, it provides a crystal clear “blueprint” for understanding how your man thinks and why he does what he does so you can gently mold him and get him to open up emotionally and get closer to you than ever before.
Heck, even if you’re single you’ll get a lot out of it. Because next time you meet a guy you want to be with for something real you won’t need to worry about what he is thinking or how he really feels. There are TONS of insights on male psychology that you’ll pick up as you go through by going through this program, and as a man I can tell you, it’s disturbingly accurate,
So, If you are in a position where you feel your man is pulling away, or if he has already pulled away quite a bit, then you should probably check out this program and learn more about what is really going on inside that thick skull of his! You Can Click here to get your copy of Why Men Pull Away